Range Extender
Master’s Thesis (TFM)
Jon García Barruetabeña
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Deusto
Automotive Intelligence Center

The value proposal is based on the proven experience of the University of Deusto with respect to the development of simulation models of vehicle components, as well as simulation models of their dynamic performance. In this respect, this proposal represents the continuation of several Master's Theses and a doctoral thesis focused on the development of vehicle simulation models and methodologies.
The proposal is based on Matlab-Simulink's design and modelling of a Range Extender architecture based on fuel cell technologies for a light commercial vehicle.
In an initial phase, the market alternatives and trends will be analysed and in a second phase, the concept design will be carried out. Then, a model will be developed in Matlab-Simulink for the sizing and optimisation of the architecture components. This model will be developed to be integrated and simulated in the VDC vehicle simulator.