Design and assembly of a single-phase wind turbine
Trabajo de Asignatura
Erik Garayalde Perez
Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Siemens Gamesa

The project consists of two main parts, one that includes the mechanical design while the other deals with the electronics and the control. With regard to the mechanical part, it consists of a first stage of design and simulation. First of all the design of the blades is carried out, defining their geometry, as well as the mechanical stresses that both the blades and the structure of the wind turbine itself will suffer. To this end, some predefined operating limits should be taken into account. Once the design is finished in the simulation software, the blades are manufactured with a 3D printer. Finally, the manufactured blades are mounted on the rotor of a wind turbine and the performance of the blades is tested in a wind tunnel, acquiring the power data generated for different wind speeds. In the second phase, the entire electrical/electronic part is analyzed. As a first step, the electrical machine of the turbine is characterized since the parameters obtained are used for the design of the control. Along with this, a signal processing stage must be designed so that the voltage and current measurements can be acquired with the MyRIO board properly. Regarding the control, a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm is developed in order to extract the maximum power from the turbine for each wind speed. This algorithm is implemented in a DC-DC Boost converter, which is the responsible for controlling the output power of the turbine. Finally, to feed all the energy generated into the electrical network, a single-phase inverter is used. In order to control it, it is necessary to implement a vector control together with a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) algorithm to be able to synchronize it with the electricalnetwork.