Identification of the Skills and Competences Needed for the Development of Sustainability at the Engineering Area
Trabajo de Fin de Máster
Aitor Goti Elordi
University of Deusto
Siemens Gamesa

The objective of SUSTSKILLS is to continue the redefinition of future job profiles started by RENSKILLS and S4SYMB, both projects funded at previous Students4Sustainability calls. In difference with RENSKILLS, focused positions related to the renewable energy sector, and S4SYMB, oriented to profiles of related to energy efficiency and industrial symbiosis, this extension aims at redefining engineering job profiles related to sustainability (in an overall sense). Thus, the project aims at identifying the multi-sectoral skills needs for engineering related job profiles to enable and accelerate the uptake of Sustainability by developing a comprehensive cross-sectorial blueprint for skills. As in its predecessors, and to this end, it will be necessary to generate an integrated database for the sector with the present and prospective skills needs of the sector professionals, which be offered to the European ESCO association of job profiles.