4gune Capacities
274 results foundGrupo de Investigación en Metalurgia Física y Transformaciones de Fase en Materiales Avanzados
Type: Group
Head: Jose Maria San Juan Nuñez
jose.sanjuan@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Grupo de Magnetismo y Materiales Magnéticos
Type: Group
Head: Mª Luisa Fernández-Gubieda
alu.gubieda@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Químicas)Grupo de Síntesis Asimétrica, Química Sostenible y Procesos Biomiméticos
Type: Group
Head: Jose Luis Vicario Hernando
joseluis.vicario@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Scope of application:
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Grupo de trabajo en mecanizado y metrología avanzada (I4.0)
Type: Group
Head: Iker Altuna
altuna@imh.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Supplychain 360º traceability
IMH (IMH Instituto Máquina Herramienta)Grupo de trabajo Fábrica Digital aplicada a procesos de fabricación avanzada (I4.0)
Type: Group
Head: Beñat Gallastegi
gallastegi@imh.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Supplychain 360º traceability
IMH (IMH Instituto Máquina Herramienta)Grupo de trabajo Fabricación Aditiva (metal y plástico) (I4.0)
Type: Group
Head: Xabier Cearsolo
cearsolo@imh.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart and connected machines
IMH (IMH Instituto Máquina Herramienta)Grupo eVida
Type: Group
Head: Begoña García-Zapirain
mbgarciazapi@deusto.esKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
Universidad de Deusto (UD Ingeniería)Grupo Lactiker - Calidad y Seguridad de Alimentos de Origen Animal
Type: Group
Head: Luis Javier Rodríguez Barron
luisjavier.rbarron@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Farmacia)Grupos y geometría
Type: Group
Head: Gustavo A. Fernández Alcober
gustavo.fernandez@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)I2T (Investigación e Ingeniería Telemática)
UPV/EHU (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao)Ilustración Científica
Type: Own Master’s Degree
Head: Maren Ortiz-Zarragoitia
maren.ortiz@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Imagen y Análisis de movimiento
Type: Group
Head: Josu Maiora Oria
j.maiora@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Scope of application:
- New business models and services based on data
- Supplychain 360º traceability
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Gipuzkoa)In Vitro Toxicity Testing
Type: Specialisation
Head: Miren Pilare Cajaraville Bereciartua
mirenp.cajaraville@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Industrial Management and Logistics
Type: Institute
Head: Esther Álvarez
esther.alvarez@deusto.esKey technology areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
Universidad de Deusto (UD Ingeniería)Ingeniería Ambiental
TECNUN (UNAV Tecnun)Ingeniería de Tejidos
Type: Group
Head: Javier Aldazábal
jaldazabal@tecnun.esKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Scope of application:
TECNUN (UNAV Tecnun)Ingeniería del Software
Type: Group
Head: Miren Illarramendi Rezabal
millarramendi@mondragon.eduKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU Politécnica)Ingeniería mecánica
Type: Group
Head: Ana Isabel Boyano Murillo
ana.boyano@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Vitoria-Gasteiz)Ingeniería nuclear y Mecánica de Fluidos
Type: Group
Head: Jabier Almandoz
jabier.almandoz@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Gipuzkoa)Ingeniería Térmica y Fluidos
Type: Institute
Head: Alejandro Rivas
arivas@tecnun.esKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
Scope of application: