4gune Capacities
274 results foundMáster de Ingeniería de Control, Automatización y Robótica
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Fernando Artaza
fernando.artaza@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
- Supplychain 360º traceability
UPV/EHU (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao)Máster de Ingeniería Industrial
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Iñigo Gutierrez Garcia
ingutierrez@tecnun.esKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
TECNUN (UNAV Tecnun)Máster Dual en Diseño y Fabricación en Automoción
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Jon García Barruetabeña
jgarcia.barruetabena@deusto.esKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- New business models and services based on data
Universidad de Deusto (UD Ingeniería)Máster en Agrobiología Ambiental
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Antonio Hernández
antonio.hernandez@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Máster en Análisis Forense
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Nora Unceta
nora.unceta@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Farmacia)Máster en Aplicaciones Móviles
Type: Own Master’s Degree
Head: Lander Beloki
lbeloki@mondragon.eduKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU Politécnica)Máster en Biodiversidad, Funcionamiento y Gestión de Ecosistemas
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Javier Loidi
javier.loidi@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Máster en Biología Molecular y Biomedicina
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Asier Fullaondo
asier.fullaondo@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Máster en Calidad y Seguridad Alimentaria
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Luis Javier Rodriguez Barrón
luisjavier.rbarron@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Farmacia)Master en Ciberseguridad
Type: Own Master’s Degree
Head: Jesus Lizarraga
Key technology areas:
Scope of application:
Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU Politécnica)Máster en Ciencia y Tecnología Cuánticas
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Jose Juan Blanco Pillado
josejuan.blanco@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Máster en Contaminación y Toxicología Ambientales
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Nestor Etxebarria
nestor.etxebarria@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart and connected machines
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Digital platforms
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Máster en Dirección de Producción MDP
Type: Own Master’s Degree
Head: Aitor Lizarralde
Key technology areas:
Scope of application:
Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU Politécnica)Máster en en Gestión del Paisaje. Patrimonio, Territorio y Ciudad
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Gorka Arana
gorka.arana@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Máster en Enología Innovadora
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Francisco José Pérez Elortondo
franciscojose.perez@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Farmacia)Master en Fabricación Aditiva Industrial
Type: Own Master’s Degree
Head: Jon Aurrekoetxea
Key technology areas:
Scope of application:
Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU Politécnica)Máster en Geoinformática y Análisis Geoespacial
Type: Own Master’s Degree
Head: Aitor Bastarrika Izagirre
aitor.bastarrika@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Vitoria-Gasteiz)Máster en Ingeniería Computacional y Sistemas Inteligentes
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Borja Calvo
borja.calvo@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Informática)Máster en Ingeniería de Materiales Renovables
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Jalel Labidi
jalel.labidi@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Gipuzkoa)Máster en Ingeniería de Sistemas Empotrados
Type: University Master’s Degree (Official)
Head: Andoni Arruti
andoni.arruti@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Informática)