Capacidades 4gune
275 results foundAcústica y Vibraciones
Type: Grupo
Head: Alex McCloskey Gómez
amccloskey@mondragon.eduKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU Politécnica)Adian :investigación multidisciplinar para la creación de metodologías y herramientas válidas para garantizar a todas las personas el acceso a la sociedad de la información. Tecnología de computadores.
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Informática)Advanced Multiphasic Polymers, AMP
Type: Grupo
Head: Alejandro J. Müller
alejandrojesus.muller@ehu.esKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Químicas)ALDAPA (Algorithms, Data mining and Parallelism)
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Informática)Almacenamiento de Energía
Type: Grupo
Head: Unai Iraola Iriondo
uiraola@mondragon.eduKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU Politécnica)Análisis Armónico
Type: Grupo
Head: Carlos Pérez Moreno
carlos.perezmo@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Análisis Matricial y Aplicaciones
Type: Grupo
Head: Gorka Armentia
Key technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Farmacia)Análisis Numérico
Type: Grupo
Head: Francisco de la Hoz Méndez
francisco.delahoz@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Applied Mechanics
Type: Grupo
Head: Eduardo García
e.garcia@deusto.esKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
Universidad de Deusto (UD Ingeniería)Aula Aeronáutica
Type: Aula
Head: Javier Canales
javier.canales@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
UPV/EHU (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao)Aula Máquina Herramienta
Type: Aula
Head: Aitzol Lamikiz
aitzol.lamikiz@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
UPV/EHU (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao)BCTA taldea
Type: Grupo
Head: Miren Cajaraville
mirenp.cajaraville@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)BDI (Interoperable Databases Group)
Type: Grupo
Head: Arantza Illarramendi
a.illarramendi@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Informática)Big Data
Type: Grupo
Head: José Manuel López Guede
jm.lopez@ehu.esKey technology areas:
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Digital platforms
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Vitoria-Gasteiz)Biología Computacional
TECNUN (UNAV Tecnun)BIOMAT - Biopolymeric Materials
Type: Grupo
Head: Koro de la Caba
koro.delacaba@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Gipuzkoa)BioRP - Procesos de Biorrefinería
Type: Grupo
Head: Jalel Labidi
jalel.labidi@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Gipuzkoa)CAE: Curso avanzado de Ingeniería, Cálculo y Simulación numérica por elementos finitos
Type: Especialización
Head: Vanesa Garcia Marina
vanessa.garcia@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Vitoria-Gasteiz)Cátedra Deusto en Industria Digital
Type: Cátedra
Head: Aitor Goti
aitor.goti@deusto.esKey technology areas:
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
Universidad de Deusto (UD Ingeniería)Centro de Fabricación Avanzada Aeronáutica. CFAA.
Type: Instituto
Head: Luis Norberto Lopez de Lacalle
implomal@gmail.comKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
- Digital platforms
UPV/EHU (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao)