Capacidades 4gune
274 results foundFoliaciones, geometrías especiales y problemas variacionales geométricos
Type: Grupo
Head: Marisa Fernández
marisa.fernandez@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Formación especializada en fabricación avanzada
Type: Especialización
Head: Iker Altuna
altuna@imh.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
IMH (IMH Instituto Máquina Herramienta)Fundamentos técnicos de CFD para energía eólica y Aerodinámica
Type: Especialización
Head: Unai Fernandez Gamiz
unai.fernandez@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Vitoria-Gasteiz)GALAN (Adaptive Learning Environments)
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Informática)Genómica bacteriana y bioinformática
Type: Grupo
Head: Joseba Bikandi
Key technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Farmacia)Gestión de Crisis y Resiliencia
TECNUN (UNAV Tecnun)GIC (Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional)
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Informática)Gluten: salud, seguridad y sociedad
Type: Grupo
Head: Itziar Churruca Ortega
itziar.txurruka@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Farmacia)Grado de Ingeniería de Sistemas de Telecomunicación
TECNUN (UNAV Tecnun)Grado de Ingeniería Eléctrica
Type: Grado
Head: Iñaki Sancho Seuma
isancho@tecnun.esKey technology areas:
- Mechatronic systems
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
TECNUN (UNAV Tecnun)Grado de Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial
TECNUN (UNAV Tecnun)Grado de Ingeniería Mecánica
Type: Grado
Head: Juan Carlos Ramos
jcramos@tecnun.esKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
TECNUN (UNAV Tecnun)Grado de Tecnologías Industriales
TECNUN (UNAV Tecnun)Grado en Arquitectura Técnica
Type: Grado
Head: Itsaso Leceta
gie.ikasleria.zuzorde@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Gipuzkoa)Grado en Ciencia de Datos e Inteligencia Artificial
Type: Grado
Head: Andoni Eguiluz
andoni.eguiluz@deusto.esKey technology areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
Universidad de Deusto (UD Ingeniería)Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
Type: Grado
Head: Decano/a de la Facultad
ff.dekano@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
Scope of application:
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Farmacia)Grado en Ciencias Ambientales
Type: Grado
Head: Decano/a de la Facultad
ff.dekano@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Farmacia)Grado en Farmacia
Type: Grado
Head: Decano/a de la Facultad
ff.dekano@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Farmacia)Grado en Industria Digital
Type: Grado
Head: Jonathan Ruiz de Garibay
jonathan.garibay@deusto.esKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
Universidad de Deusto (UD Ingeniería)Grado en Ingeniería Biomédica
Type: Grado
Head: Maialen Aginagalde Unanue
maginagalde@mondragon.eduKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart product
Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU Politécnica)