Capacidades 4gune
274 results foundGrado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales
Type: Grado
Head: Fernando Cortés
fernando.cortes@deusto.esKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
Universidad de Deusto (UD Ingeniería)Grado en Ingeniería Informática
Type: Grado
Head: Alexander Mendiburu
alexander.mendiburu@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
- Digital platforms
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Informática)Grado en Ingeniería Informática
Type: Grado
Head: Urtzi Markiegi
umarkiegi@mondragon.eduKey technology areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
- Digital platforms
Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU Politécnica)Grado en Ingeniería Informática
Type: Grado
Head: Andoni Eguíluz Morán
andoni.eguiluz@deusto.esKey technology areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
- Digital platforms
Universidad de Deusto (UD Ingeniería)Grado en Ingeniería Informática de Gestión y Sistemas de Información
Type: Grado
Head: Mikel Larrañaga Olagaray
mikel.larranaga@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Digital platforms
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Vitoria-Gasteiz)Grado en Ingeniería Informática de Gestión y Sistemas de Información
Type: Grado
Head: Begoña Blanco technology areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
Scope of application:
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
- Digital platforms
UPV/EHU (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao)Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
UPV/EHU (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao)Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
Type: Grado
Head: Itsaso Leceta
gie.ikasleria.zuzorde@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Gipuzkoa)Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
Type: Grado
Head: Asunción Cantera Silanes
asun.cantera@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Vitoria-Gasteiz)Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU Politécnica)Grado en Ingeniería Mecatrónica
Type: Grado
Head: Iñigo Eraña
ierana@mondragon.eduKey technology areas:
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU Politécnica)Grado en Ingeniería Robótica
Type: Grado
Head: Ignacio Angulo
ignacio.angulo@deusto.esKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
- Digital platforms
Universidad de Deusto (UD Ingeniería)Grado en Inteligencia Artificial
Type: Grado
Head: Alexander Mendiburu
alexander.mendiburu@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
- Digital platforms
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Informática)Grupo de Automática Experimental
Type: Grupo
Head: Victor Echevarria Ecenarro
victor.etxebarria@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Grupo de Control, Integración y Sistemas (GCIS)
Type: Grupo
Head: Esperanza Diaz Tajada
esperanza.diaz@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
UPV/EHU (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao)Grupo de Espectroscopia
Type: Grupo
Head: Emilio Cocinero Perez
emiliojose.cocinero@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Ciencia y Tecnología)Grupo de Fabricación de Alto Rendimiento: Procesos de arranque de viruta avanzados
Type: Grupo
Head: Norberto López de La Calle Marcaide
norberto.lzlacalle@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Advanced materials
- Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Mechatronic systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Advanced materials zero footprint
- Smart and connected machines
- Sustainable, flexible and zero-defect production products
- Smart product
- New business models and services based on data
- Life cycle design and circular economy: end to end sustainability
- Supplychain 360º traceability
- Human factor in the factory of the future
UPV/EHU (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao)Grupo de Ingeniería Social y Bioingeniería (Elekin)
Type: Grupo
Head: Karmele Lopez Ipiña
karmele.ipina@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (Escuela de Ingeniería de Gipuzkoa)Grupo de Investigación del Laboratorio de Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica NanoBioCel
Type: Grupo
Head: Jose Luis Pedraz Muñoz
joseluis.pedraz@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
Scope of application:
UPV/EHU (UPV EHU Farmacia)Grupo de Investigación en Electrónica Aplicada (APERT)
Type: Grupo
Head: José Luis Martín González
joseluis.martin@ehu.eusKey technology areas:
- Mechatronic systems
- Cyber-physical systems and connectivity
- Smart automation and robotics
Scope of application:
- Digital platforms
UPV/EHU (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao)