UIIN – a dynamic network committed to driving innovation and entrepreneurship through university-industry interaction, in a social-distancing context and lockdown world, the spirit goes on.
Dedicated to sharing knowledge, discovering solutions, and building relationships UIIN hosts the largest conference in the field, educates the leaders of tomorrow through its workshops, and is involved in generating new knowledge in various European research projects. Euskampus joined the UIIN in 2017 and three members of the team have participated in the online conference held during 8-11 June 2020 giving two presentations on the case studies sessions:
- Regarding 4GUNE, Ruth Mayoral and Arane Altuna presented 4Gune Cluster evolution: a growing innovation ecosystem fostering university-business interaction.
- Regarding Euskampus Knowledge Hubs, Igor Campillo and Miriam Ruiz presented the Case study “Measuring Impact with Social return in R&D&i activities».
The case of Euskampus Knowledge Hubs” study focuses on Social Impact measurement and the purpose is to determine, measure and estimate the social value generated by the Knowledge Hubs for stakeholders, during 2018.
The study got the certification of assurance issued by Social Value International (SVI) in February 2020.
Visit their web for more information.
Actualidad noticias relacionadas
4gune, nueva Regional Skills Partnership europea
4GuneLa Comisión Europea ha incluido 4gune entre las iniciativas reconocidas en el marco del 4º aniversario del Pacto Europeo por las Competencias. 4gune – clúster vasco para la Educación Universitaria en Ingeniería, Ciencia y Tecnología, y su ecosistema, contribuirán al desarrollo del talento y la competitividad de Euskadi a 2030.
Irene Martínez: “El 4gune + PARKE Programa nos ayuda a trabajar en pro del talento y la industria local avanzada”
4GuneLa empresa Cyber Surgery, especializada en cirugía robótica avanzada, es una entidad pionera en su sector. En el marco de su estrategia de atracción y fidelización del talento, la empresa ha participado en el 4gune + PARKE Programa. Irene Martínez, HR & Administration Manager de Cyber Surgery, nos habla de la necesidad de nuevos perfiles para la industria y la importancia de la colaboración Universidad + Empresa para responder a este reto.
4gune se une a la competición mundial «Universities for Goal 13»
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